Returns & Exchanges
At Liquor N Poker we understand that sometimes you may need to return or exchange a product - to ensure we can support any request for a return or exchange customers need to follow our Returns & Exchange procedures below:
Returning for a refund
If you want to return a product you have purchased from our website, you can do so within 30 days of sale.
Please note Liquor N Poker does not cover the cost of postage for returns. It is the customers responsibility to return the product at their cost. Your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging.
Upon receiving your return, we will inspect the item(s) upon arrival and process the refund within 3-5 business days. This will be minus any postage charges. Please allow any refund, time to show up in your account or on your card.
Returning for an exchange
If you want to return a product you have purchased from our website for exchange, you can do so within 30 days of sale.
Please note Liquor N Poker does not cover the cost of postage for returns. It is the customers responsibility to return the product at their cost in its original, un-used and undamaged condition.
Upon receiving your item for exchange we will inspect the items and if it complies with our standard stated above we will then process the order and despatch the new item(s) within 3-5 working days. Standard shipping time will apply on top of the processing time.
If any problems occur with your exchange, such as size desired or colour being sold out or item not passing inspection, we will immediately notify you by email.
International Orders
- International returns/exchanges - Please mark 'Returned Items' on both your parcel and on all paperwork enclosed to try prevent it incurring import charges and taxes. Liquor n Poker is not responsible for any return custom charges made.
- Customs and import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its destination country. These charges must be paid by the recipient of the parcel.
- A 5% handling fee will be charged for any order returned due to non-payment of import taxes.